Tag Archives: shanespeare

Chapter 10 – Pride and Extreme Prejudice

26 Apr

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortune, must be in want of a wife…

…or a life or at least something like that.” charmingly chimed Greg Vestal
I acknowledge it” acknowledged Miranda G. Gilliam enjoying romantic literary references while running around the world much like Noble Nikki Robertson along with Amanda GarciaLori McCartySandy Kreps and Wendi Medling.

Therapist Beth Lewis grabbed the progressively narrative mic and said….
Yes, and as everyone knows acknowledgement is power.  Therefore it should also be acknowledged that everyone may not know it at the exact same time.  The consequences of that happening are too much to disclose at this part of the story, however it is safe to say that everyone will come to this understanding at least some point in their life.

David Ristuccia boldly hijacked the microphone channel to give history lessons on the bad ass men and women that have all acknowledged this.  Among them he noted David Ristuccia for his power lifting persona and of course his fair cousin Rachael Bower and the Marvelous Mikaila Munoz who were both making their way as a mermaid and a sexy lobster which is the hidden meaning to him always suggesting you take your fish oil.

Amy Beth Hinkhouse-Dunavant proposed that they should all acknowledge it at the same time just to see what would happen.  Carrie Campbell GerdesChristie Douglas and Nick Kriofske all being the acknowledgement daredevils they all were quick to volunteer.

Joel Ferrell felt it could be more powerful adpated for the stage. Katharine O’Sullivan Spadacenta stepped up as the stage manager and the cast was quickly assembled including Cheryl AmmeterJessica HoffmanStephanie DunnamStephanie Renee and Debbie Ramsey Lofland.  Shawn Patrello insisted there be clowns or “mechanicals” and Mark C Guerra (Markasaurus Rex) insisted on fairies.  Debbie Ramsey Lofland insisted they do the show in the dirt and Fred Curchack said he would just do it all himself with a few puppets and a some bic lighters for lighting.  John Venable thought he would hold out for Martin Scorese to direct him with Steve Martin. Joe Chapa supported that choice.

Eldon WristonShane Owens and Bella Eden Alexander-Johnson all realized they had something magical. Daniel Driensky and Darlene Hammond thought they would help get the word out and organized an awareness campaign

What shall we call this production?” posed Wendy Powell
Batdad vs Superteacher” immediately contributed Daniel Thomas Jones
Dead Bloggers Society” threw in Krystal Gable
The Never Ending Birthday Story” offered Elizabeth Owens and everybody silenced in agreement, then cheered at the pure resonance of it.

Haven Powers asked if there would be a Luck Dragon and Sher Jean Bear assured her there would be a variety of dragons.  Jamy Porter also demanded there be Bounty Hunters and Sith Lords with fabulous hair.  Benjamin Davis mentioned he has a place for that.

The creative group began rehearsals, production meetings and publicity campaigns while Patricia Pell and Charity HopperMotorplex Jones presented the celebratory cake and lit the candles.

What they may not have yet realized is that each candle they lit was a world that was burning.  Kimberly Kay Lucas acknowledged she was the bright light of one candle as the others were lit.  Morgan McClure let her light shine it created a shadow on everyone else.  Laurel Hoitsma filled those shadows with her light.

As the light got brighter and brighter one might think it could not possibly be brighter. “That is what one might call limits” said Law Michael Sullivan and his alter ego Lawrence Sullivan.

Jamie Matlock said “I don’t subscribe to limits“.  Theresa Vance and Kristin Sutton Ford nodded in agreement.
I don’t believe they really exist” added Deborah Longworth with all her Urbanity.
I will have to agree.  Any limits I thought I had I created myself” admitted the AmaZING Mikaila Muñoz Lotierzo.
Well if we create our own they still exist” debated Maggie Grant.
I like to refer to a limit as a #TIMIL.  That’s limit spelled backwards to remind me I created it” contributed Jennifer Besser.

By this time all the candles were lit and the light was brighter than they all imagined.  They began to transcend their reality and each emerged surrounded by their wishes.

Paige NashSteve Luce and Darlene Munger wishes all popped up like bubbles in the air, or in the water, or in space.  Lauren DunnawayFrieda Austin and Elias Sahwani had as many wishes as there were grains of sand in an hourglass.

While blinded by the brilliance, brighter lights seems to shoot from the center.  Sandy Degen LedbetterJennifer Eiffert and Carol Reed were each brighter than the sun but streaked across the brightness like a firework. Jamie Matlock and Adrianna Cervantes Grinke were like lasers. Louisa Lawless and Don Long where like shooting stars.

Elvis Monroe and Pamela Ann knew these lights had to come from someplace.

They come from here” answered Gwendolyn Michelle Phillips gesturing towards a source.  The funny thing is no matter who was looking, they all saw the same thing.  It did not matter if it was Taylor ReaCarrie Campbell Gerdes or Traci Towers Clark.  They saw the same source that Dianne Kelly Samoff II and Dianne Samoff III saw.  It was as if they were looking into a mirror when they looked into the light.  William Bill Gartin and Brandon Enriquez all saw the same thing, but they all saw something unique.

Guy Robison said “It’s our heart light.
Whoa, slow down there Neil Diamond” quipped Chris Garcia Peak.
He’s right!” said John D Kolinofsky
The light of the world is in my heart” realized Derek Phillips
What color is yours?” asked Cathrine Hatcher  “The color matters

Mine is silver-ish” said Joseph Di Lorenzo
Mine is green” said Tom Green
So is mine.  It’s the color of love” said Melissa Knight
Mine is pink.  I think pink is the color of love” Michelle Polvado
Brenda Johnson
 and Brenda Johnson both chimed in and said “Mine is purple
“I’d say mine is azure” added Jordan Roth
We can all be right.  We can all be love” claimed DeDe Boozer
Not today!” Cried Eric Dobbins
Today only I can be right” demanded Cynthia Kirchner
There can be only one!” proclaimed the beautiful Jessika Bouyer

And as silly as it sounds that was the dawn of prejudice.
Extreme Prejudice” added Gabriel Wheaton going for title credit.

Anthony Skibell Ph D harmonized a sound and #OurPro appeared with an understanding smile. Kristen Prezbindowski and Heather Sanford understood and said that’s why you always see her with a skull.
In homage to Shakespeare?” asked Kevin Brandon understanding it’s his Birthday too.
In homage to all things” said #OurPro placing one hand on the shoulder of Anne Young Fritsche and the other on Jessica Layman “And what is your wish?



Chapter 8- 60 Characters In Search Of An Author

20 Mar

Shots Fired!” misused an apathetic and ironically misunderstood millennial because this was indeed a serious situation and not a simple verbal assault over interpersonal trivia.  This is not to say that verbal assaults on the internet are trivial or that this epic war of superheroes is just part of the natural order of the chaos in the universe.  It simply is.

Lou Smith and Brenda Lindenberg Stanton both felt this is the time to put a disclaimer that the names and situations in this story may be real or fictional but may reflect real life and certainly does not reflect the exclusive view or possibly any part of the views of the people that embody those names or the author in perpetuity throughout all the infinite  Universes. Elizabeth Wright would also like to add if they might seem to be true or based on real events that is entirely up to you and your imagination.  Chris McMurtry wanted to encourage the taking of flash photography or low-light or with filters all under the preferred hashtag (Might I suggest #HappyTSBday, #Shanespeare or #OurPro). Mike Salcido wanted to thank all the artists that made this possible, and also the car with the License Plate THX 1138 left their lights on and it was causing too much lens flare for Nikki DeShea Smith‘s fantastic light design.

Now  Sandi Bailey brings us back to the story from the front lines of this super battle.

Angela Raelene McGuire signaled she was ready to engage as she always enjoyed a fray for the right reasons.  Lauren Godfrey Patterson,  Ashley Head and Dixie Still got in position.

“I have the shot” affirmed Scarlett McAlister Harris.
“Then take it” commanded Daniel R States.

The shot was taken and quickly enhanced by Dalton James and the Prince of Pisces, Fan of the Fishes Mycal Sykes because it is what they do and they know how to work their craft.

So do the others.  Just then Greg Grayson dropped a joke grenade to bring us back to the story.  Jamie Wollrab waited for it to go off and then had to explain that is when you tell a joke but it doesn’t hit its audience right away.  However, since he had to explain it he felt people still were not laughing it was a dud… or maybe you were just not meant to get it.  Yet.

Cristela Carrizales reminded us to Beware the Ides of March right after Pie Day but Meg ShidelerLaura Laine and Taylor Munholland were already dressed in green leading the parade right out of the ironic land to the land down under while Mia Rae and Shelly Koehler were flipping their real estate like no one has ever seen.

Laurie McNair and Tiffany Williams skeptically joined the parade and as they saw it heading toward a large ship on the water they both thought at the exact same time.  “Deja Vu“.  They both said looking at each other”Pinch Poke, you owe me a Coke“.  They pinched each other starting a trend, like they do.  Monalisa Amidar pinched Bono and Nathan Allen Pinard pinched The Riddler.  However when Laura Reeves pinched Captain America he vanished!   POOF!  Gone!  This is when things started getting very interesting.

Laurie Williamson pinched the Green Lantern and he smiled and thanked her for keeping him relevant.  She though to herself “I’m Smart!” like people do and saw Batman and Superman promoting their movie and thought this would be a good time for her to take her own justice on Batfleck.  She got close and pinched him and nothing happened.

Rest assured you are not the only one disappointed with these circumstances.  Well… technically something happened, but it wasn’t the result she was going for.  Superman asked if she was with him and the mouth breathing Batfleck said “I thought she was with you” confirming they are going for the simplest dialogue ever spoken by superheroes.

Fiona Ann Norton interrupted them saying that since Batman didn’t have Robin or someone to say something along the lines of “Holy Green Thumb Batman, those not wearing green disappear when pinched.” She thought she would explain with her proper dialect to help move things along and we thank her for it.

Erin Treadway pinched the Hulk and there was no reaction and of course Ironman was hovering just out of reach.  Melissa Hartman Couture pinched Wonder Woman and she Poofed and Melissa coined the term “Pinch Poof!”  Why is it that those wearing green were immune to the Pinch Poof wondered Vivian Jimenez Hall.

Diamond Jim and Randy Tinkle were bummed that Wonderwoman was PinchPoofed so they started pinching everybody not wearing green causing a wide spread panic, even though the green smiley faced said “Don’t“.

Easy for you to say” provoked Zelmer Phillips “You’re nothing but a green smiley mouth“.
“And I’m not” said Steve Davis as a classic diversion allowing Eric Soto-Riggle to get close enough to Superman to pinch him but nothing happened.

“Why didn’t that work?” asked Dylan Hollingsworth.

“Because he wasn’t pinched by someone wearing green” explained Mary Williford Bayer.

Suddenly Batman pinched Superman and Superman Pinch Poofed followed by a thunderous applause from a variety of people wearing green or not.  Lisa B. Whitfield thought about pinching Batfleck but Ashlee James McCollom just walked right up and asked to pinch him.  Batfleck nodded, or maybe he was just looking down as such a sad Batman does, either way there was a pinch and he remained.  There was no Pinch Poof for Batman, not even the Ben Affleck one.

batfleck-originalHerschel Alan Weisfeld demanded an explanation because there was absolutely no green visible on Batman, but the mouth breathing crime fighter finally closed his mouth to make an uncomfortable smile and reveal he was wearing kryptonite underwear.

Ohh!” explaimed Donald Wayne Brown Jr. not exactly sure how he felt about that.

Lara Seibert Young loaded the last few from the green parade onto the ship and those not wearing green were scattering for the hills.  Jenni Tooley advised everyone to show their green and Hilary Tipps asked where the ship was going.

Probably to the moon” suggested Chris Spinks as there has been much of that going on.
Jorge Luis Davila led a team on the ground to break up the battle as Batman asked Mike Daniel what his secret identity was since it’s a dead give away that you are a super hero if your secret identity has 2 first names.  Jeramie Crawford suggested that they not reveal his hero yet because then you’ll just get into fights with other superheroes.

It’s all the rage these days” agreed Kristy Krüger but when you have all the feelings as a Pisces, a comic conflict is the last thing you want or need.  Diana Faro Daugherty and Russ Pond agreed.

As the ship left dock and powered out to sea towards the almost full moon Carie Welborn-Bair and Caramie Cason watched mermaids and Aquamen followed singing each to each.

Michael Brower noticed a man in a toga on the bow of the ship with his arms spread like he was King of the World.  Alicia G. Thomasson mentioned all of these heroes are people that she’s recently been reading about and that was Julius Caesar.  Bunny Miles Rothrock and Lynn Kawano noticed he was not wearing green.  The world leader turned to see he was about to be pinched into oblivion.  All he could say is “Etu Mia Rae


Chapter 5-Worlds Collide

24 Feb

The ship of wise witty fools traveled down the river of dreams.  As it began to pick up speed, the wind blew through Jay Bird‘s hair and Stormie McLeod uttered “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” and as it seemed as it it was going toward the dark circle of a new moon turned out to be some sort of black hole pulling the boat toward them.

Full Reverse!” cried Shelly Brooks as acting Captain.
It’s no use.  We’re caught in some sort of tractor beam” Stephanie Daniels pessimistically reported.
At least it’s not an ice berg!” optimistically reported Rowena Cruz Trovada.
That’s no moon” quipped Laiken A. Thompson.
Or Luna De Noche!” checked Yumiko Takahashi.
I am feeling some gravity waves” discovered Amanda Rose Sullivan.
Einstein was RIGHT!?” yelled Taylor Reed
Oh NO!  So was rapper B.o.B.  The Earth is flat as a 4 year old Coke” reluctantly admitted Ilumin Avila.
Hang on to your butts because here we go!” warned Gretchen Bell.
Novie Bowden, the real captain of the ship, took the wheel and went full steam ahead.

The riverboat launched off the edge of the Earth as the water and air and light swirled about going into the ominous dark circle like a cosmic drain flushing out all of existence. From the inside it seemed like the boat in the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory crashed into Dorothy’s Tornado Ride in the Wizard of Oz!

I can’t feel my legs” commented Claire Alexander.
I can’t feel my arms” agreed Heather Wiese
I can’t feel my face when I’m with you” joked Gavin Perry.
I think we are out of our bodies” theorized Elizabeth Marshall.
I think therefore I’m…” started Stephanie Hall
We are all out of our damned minds!” concluded Ronn Robinson.
My God! It’s Full Of Stars” quoted Super Spartan Vonda Wilson

The spinning got tighter, the spirals faster and the light brighter until suddenly there was nothing but deafening silence… and then… NOT EVEN THAT!

Some might argue that was the end, unless you understand that every ending is a beginning and every exit is an entrance someplace else.

Meanwhile, someplace else Daniel Huntley Solon was flying through a silent night with his Icarus wings when suddenly a light appeared ahead.  He began to slow his roll as the light seemed to get brighter.  Thinking it might be ancient aliens he cautiously approached.  As he inched closer the light exploded with a bang that sent Daniel falling to the enchanted land below.

Fannie Brito, Britt McEachern CokeSiobhan Antonioli and Natali Jones pulled out a parachute from an art installation they were collaborating on to catch the falling Daniel. He folded up he wings and rolled off the parachute as they embraced him to be sure he was alright.  lightsinskyWhat is that?“he asked, but the four artistic ladies had no idea.  Chandler Kaye and Vanessa Neil came running up to help but all were amazed and hypnotized by this new light in the sky and there was a loud sound since the explosion.  Just then a long elegant limousine pulled up and Aimee Ramsey rolled down the window and told them all to get in.  They did and the pulled off toward the lights of what appeared to be a nearby city.

The limo left a trail of kicked up dust that was spotted from the camp of dancers and renaissance fair folk.  Akai Draco gave the battle cry and rallied the forces and William Riddle trained everyone for combat but in a way that nobody really gets hurt.
Sound the alarms” ordered Liz Finkle of the Praetorian Digital Guard
They’re on the move” announced Laura Mccarthy.
Let’s be smart about this.  We will have to be crafty to infiltrate them undetected” led Gregory Lush.  “We must do our best acting as well as look our best“.
That’s my cue” jumped Michelle Lorelei Lee as she rolled out what seemed like miles of garment racks of everything imaginable.  Mindy Loll deputized a dozen fashion police as Katie Condry managed the line as everyone got ready to follow the limo’s trail to the city as if they were native that belonged there.  Marcus Blake and Kristin McCollum divided them into teams to increase their chances of success.

Before they could pursue the limo the light in the sky exploded again with such an impact there was no day or night, only love and light.  Everything looked different until out of it spewed the rain, thunder, riverboats and fairies and fools.  Everyone was shocked and awed in the true sense of the words.  To say it was a blackhole-tornado-hurricane-earthquake-flood all at the same time would be an understatement.

First was the sound of the thunder.  Not that romantic and powerful rolling thunder, but that suck your breath out of your lungs cracking thunder that makes you feel like you’ve just been shot.

Del Alan Murphy screeched like a little girl as Anne Beyer screamed like a grown ass man.
Not that there was anything wrong with either as it was quite an experience.  Even the Majestic Merritt Martin would be inspired to document the event through word and video if it were possible, but it were not so simple.  Action needed to be be taken right away; from everyone involved.

As the water hit the ground the splash made a wave over a mile high.  Marcy Barnes and Evan Figg both anchored themselves in a little oxygen bubble to protect them.  Liz Jackson DoneganAngela Parsons Smith and Abby Rupp warned the nearby communities to brace for impact and as a result saved dozens of lives.  Scott Simons and Brande Taylor grabbed their boards and surfed the wave toward the city.  Fortunately the “splash down” was not in a very populated area.

Then down came the riverboat with a crash but somehow stayed in one piece.  Candice Jones and Rebekah Lynn Bruflodt assisted the crew to their feet and reported the minor injuries to Allie Burdette and Jeff Rogers who tended to them immediately.  Philip Bentham made sure they still served Tea on time and Stephanie Rhodes and Marla Jo Kelly were thankful for the dedication to tradition in the face of such unusual circumstances.

Bob Carter looked up and noticed the portal of light began to collapse.  As his pointed hand raised to the sky his jaw fell down hoping some word would fall out, but none did.
How will we ever get back?” quietly pondered Jessica McClendon.
Why would you want to?” also pondered Cecil O’Neal
Where are we?” asked Larry Duncan to further the story line.
Where do we go from here?” continued Megan Mayo
Forward! No matter the obstacles in our path” marched Samantha Elizabeth McCrocklin

As the portal closed the lights faded to night and into what appeared to be the full moon once again.  Brande Taylor suggested they continue with the riverb0at for as far as they could and Kelly Tomlinson and Mark Deffebach played some music to take everyone’s mind off the transformation that just took place.  All aboard honored the memory of Charlie Freeman while they contemplated if they was all their birthday being born to this new reality.  Or this new dimension.

Ken Panosh lit his cigar and kicked back to enjoy the ride and the riverboat made it’s way along the surface of the new river. Hollee A McMurray and Sharon Spriggs Williams led everyone in birthday dances and festivities. Tana Bales and Ambre Low made everyone their favorite Birthday drinks and Lisa Devine showcased her latest work.  Elida Dakoli made everyone feel extra special and before long it was like they had no idea they were journeying into a brave new world.

Meanwhile the limo made it to the city limits before the waves hit.  Anita Mahram opened the gates and Andrea Jenkins and Shannon Mikles greeted them.  As they all emerged from the limo a team of military like officials surrounded the car in a very organized fashion.  However, instead of weapons, they were carrying musical instruments.

Musical Instruments can be weapons!” corrected Eddie Healy swinging his ax around and breaking the fourth wall while striking a chord cuing Elizabeth AnnunziatoJames ClaytoRandee Smith Prez and Lori Sundeen Soderbergh all to struck a pose.  Then they did a battle dance instead of just rolling in with guns, they rolled in with movement music and emotion.  “A much more intimidating weapon in my opinion.” coined Christoph Buelman.  Paula Sheppard Coco and  Laura Bartlett nodded in agreement.

Good” said Daniel “Because something otherworldly is here.
We better tell the authorities” suggested Arma Fitzgerald.
Not like this.  We need to freshen up” Lori Fomby
You mean like a Spa Day?” asked Natalie Burkhart rather enthusiastically.
More like the getting ready to see the Wizard” sourced Ashley W Dane

As the music played, Daniel and the artsy attendees all prepped to meet the authorities.
John McCaa reported on their fashion choices which seemed by the way everybody was getting ready for a date of a lifetime or maybe a wedding made one wonder who the authorities were in this dimension.  Not to them of course because this WAS their reality.

The water reached the city and everyone seemed happy about it.  Shortly behind the waves of water was Trevor Perry and Alan Dudley leading a team of the dancing fair folk in the mountains.  As one glanced back to the city they saw Bryan Lankford leading another such troop with Kat DaddeeAlleSandra Singel and Kathleen DeForest.  Since they were making an effort to be stealthy one might imagine they were not a fan of the authorities going on alert.

Back inside the city gates Daniel found himself leading a parade to the central tower. Sandi ScottLucia WelchGary TeagueRhiannon HoustonJennifer Glanton all stood on a float right behind him doing royal waves and confetti and flower pedals showered down from the windows.  Lissa Duty met them at the doors to the central tower and allowed Daniel through.

 Thomas Charles LeGalleyJennifer Perryman and Clay Liford all raised a fuss because they wanted to join but Lissa reminded them they all have their own festivities to attend to.  Peter Cykana and Tommy McCarthy toasted to that.  Susan Wx put on her invisible cloak and accompanied Daniel on the elevator completely undetected by Agent Sutherland Carter.
What Floor?” Asked the elevator operator Misty Petty.  It had been so long since Daniel saw an elevator operator he didn’t know how to respond.
The highest authority” said Susan risking blowing her cover but Misty just dismissed it as she had never heard Daniels voice before.  The elevator literally skyrocketed to the top floor, and when I say literally I mean in the original sense of the word.

That floor was 713 and obviously a tower that tall would have doors that would have to pressurize or de-pressurize before opening.  There was a hissing as Daniel walked into this air lock and Susan slipped in behind him.

Amanda Stucker and Hillary J Hart were on airlock duty and prepped them to speak with the highest authority.  Sam Nicholson opened the door and led him to the chamber filled with windows and there she was, in silhouette with her back to him for dramatic effect.
I’ve been expecting you.” she said in a voice familiar to both Daniel and Susan.
I know you.” said Daniel and Susan simultaneously.
You should.  I am the one you call #OurPro and you have been expected here so I can tell you your time has come“.


Chapter 4 – A New Hopeful Moon

8 Feb

Darkness fell across the land as a cloaked discombobulated figure skulked through night without as sound.  Wise men such as Wylie H Dallas say that if you are not present in the moment you cannot see the figure.  Other cynics such as Mack Herbert say it’s just imagination and Shannon Lee Dyson argued it is a stress monster and everyone needs to chill out.  Little did they know they could all be right.  “So SO RIGHT!” echoed Amber Womack Skipper  Little did they know they could all be wrong.  “So so wrong” worried Steven Jeffers.

AND when I say “So So Wrong” I mean to emphatically stress Soo Soo wrong, much like those that still know which “2 “to use in a sentence might say “too too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew” and not be apathetically confused with “so so” as in not one extreme or another.

Those with a Class C Creative License such as Brandi AndradeAlana Macías de Cortes and Larry D. LeMaster know what I am talking about as they also have a current one and support breaking the fourth wall (or Drew Wall as he likes to call it) in writing.  So lets continue.

The figure glided by a distracted Curtis Raymond Shideler completely undetected and right in the path of Jennifer Roe without skipping a step and cut in line in front of Shannon Knipp without missing a beat.  The figure slipped between Raven Jacobs and Whitney Kelley who were discussing conservative politics while the businessmen slowly get stoned.

Finally, the keen Patrick McAlister noticed the mysterious figure and got the attention of Rob Hood by tapping him on the shoulder and nodding in the direction of the mysterious figure.

“What in the world?” Whispered Andrew Redd
“Could it be the spirit of the missing Doctor?”
Asked Mark Fickert
“Perhaps it’s the ghost of Spot Acus Yasso Yang” Pondered Trae Morgan
“I think we should pursue it, just to see what’s going on.”
Stated Craig Norris

James Beasley hopped in his hearse (All Dukes of Hazzard Style) as Katy Polito, Helen Woodrum, Belinda BoydMonica Moody and Nicole Holt piled in.  They crept along behind Anja Holweg power walking with her German efficiency and long legs.

 William Shane Thompson followed ringing a bell, and like some sort of Pavlovian response people started to form a parade. Andrea Reich Fender emerged with her fashionable entourage from an upscale art gallery and fell in line with Dora Chu and the fashion police.  Candice Ordered Steps Johnson and Diana Tucker followed too.

fat-tuesday-920 (1)

Before long the cloaked figure was leading a parade of followers through the Haunted French Quarter.  Alexis Jo and Maria Hildreth Zsohar danced behind a float featuring Knizza LiveChris BarteeJim Cady,Dean Lindsay, Peter ElkinThomas Jacob LovelaceGleb Tarro all throwing beads to those gathering in the streets.  Even Gloria Smith who was working security got distracted from her conversation with Monique Childers about training and both were caught up in the spell.

Kevin Hunt juggled fire around Lorca Simons brilliant puppet, mask and mime work.  She was leading a troupe featuring the sexy and sassy vixens of Vixens Vaudeville and League of Lovely Ladies Bettie PinkVivienne VermuthShanna LeeAmber Williams, Naima Lett, Brooke Hamblet and Amber Garton.

Matt BarronStephanie Ward-Pierre and Christi Dalton Whitworth were dancing the dance in the streets and scooped up by the parade.

There were pirates and ninjas fight dancing and dance fighting depending on your perspective.  Sarah Saathoff was doing flips and Metsy showing off with her forward rolls.  Kathy Robinson-HaysElizabeth Dewhirst and Adrian Santiago had a tumbling act that would make the most experience acrobat envious.  Stephen KirkhamLindsay McEllen James and Chad Kelly Dotson were making music as Citlalli Smith played her cello on a nearby float while Rich Frohlich made sure they sounded amazing.

This parade now filled the streets and swelled into the walkways and climbed the walls.  Linda Jackson rode on the shoulders of James Warila.  The lovely Joyau Pénard was nominated the princess of the parade and her court displayed the most breathtaking international fashion the world as ever seen displayed by Angel AndersonAdriana I. Romero and Tamara Voss.

The mysterious figure led them all to the largest riverboat they have ever seen.  There was no hesitation whatsoever from the crowd.  Lyzz Kirk danced wildly down the boarding plank with no rails or guards.  The plank bowed and bounced like a guitar string as Daniel Sandoval, Delfina Bedarte, and Noel Lucky Brucker plucked aboard.  Breonny Lee and Donatelle Mascari noticed the ripples of the water matching the beat, or rather the pulse of the massive combined energy of party, yet the cloaked figure had yet to make a sound.

Silently slipping up stairs and ladders to the higher decks the figure slipped past Clifton Hall who was guarding the door to the wheel house.

Kenneth Fulenwider had the wheel and halted the figure before you could go any further.

“You do not have permission to come aboard!” he declared rather bravely.

The figure paused, untied the rope belt that made him resemble a Frangelico bottle and removed its hood.  The cloak fell to the ground to reveal Steven Hacker II on the shoulders of Frankie Garcia III!

“SURPRISE!” busted Hacker as he jumped down to fire up the engines.  “We’ll be takin this boat” he then said in an unsuccessful attempt to sound like a pirate.

Rick Spivey and Zachary Stefaniak charged them but Frankie took them out so effortlessly next thing you knew they were asleep on the floor, and not hurt or injured in any way.  Steve gave the signal and his masquerading troops engaged the next phase of the over elaborate plan usually led by mysterious figures in cloaks.

“Just like Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi!” Referenced Stephanie Butterfield

Jennifer Culp and Nancy Soto untied the boat from the dock and Heather Dinning Perry retracted the plank.  Cheryl Reedy cranked the music and Lori Garcia dimmed the lights.  Kenne Earl and Kathleen Terbeek began to sing captivating the guests and crew as the boat left the dock on the still water that reflected the wide smile of the moon of the almost new moon.


Robin Clayton for one was thrilled at the hope for a new adventure as was Tiffany Bryan who is always up for an unexpected journey.  Jackie Kobe started a new “Ships Blog, Stardate Now point Now Two!

“We got company!” Bobby Friske noticed as they headed out to International Water.
Looks like the U.S. Armed Forces!” commented Megan Myers

Lindsay Martin Walser with the Air Force, Molly Mitchell with the Navy (Call Sign: GOOSE!) and U.S. Marine Allie Shane were all awaiting orders to engage, but none came as the moon went out into total darkness.

“A New Moon! But not in a Twillight Novel kinda way” joked Comedian Mo Zan
“Thank Goodness!” chimed Diana Wickman

From the shadows a beautiful olive skinned woman with green eyes removed her masquerade mask.  She beckoned for those that saw her to follow her.

“Don’t do it!  What if she be a spirit to tempt you to the water!?” Worried Pamela Ward
“Lets both follow and we will stick together.” Explained Mardi Allen


They followed the woman to the bowels of the ship where they found 2 sleeping men holding a letter addressed to a King.  Those two men were David Jeremiah and  Christopher Dontrell Piper.



Chapter 3 – The Age of Aquarius

31 Jan

When the moon is in triple O seven’s house and the sunset is as vibrant as Scarlett Lauren‘s hair, a Gal-In South sent a word to King Tim Black with Kelly J Kitchens Wickersham talent for getting the word out and Marion Castleberry and Harry B. Parker tasteful direction in delivering a message in an artistic way.  Patriotic runner Tiffany Walker Hauerwas ran the word to Patriotic Flight Chief Tracy B. Lee who flew Naomi Valkyrie McDonald to the start line so they call call it the “Flight of the Naomi Valkyrie” with Keith Kubal who wanted to make sure the course went over as many Renaissance Faires as possible.

Lauren Gatlin decided to take advantage of the in-flight wi-fi and check-in with Lindsay Roche and Britanni Johnson and tagged the word through social media.  Since Bold Blogger Rhyanna Odom was in their row she showed them how to make the most of their post.  Chelsea Lee noticed they started trending and Rob Gonzo grew concerned that might target their flight by those that have incentives to keep the word a secret so he recruited Derik Gilpin and KP Smith to help come up with a plan.

Renee Anthony Sitton gave the signal Valerie Geare Chandler to proceed.  Valerie did her electrical magic on the emergency door allowing daredevils David Dawson and Dennis Raveneau to snatch up the word and jump out of the plane.  It should have been previously noted that that David and Dennis were not experienced or even well prepared daredevils as they did not have a parachute, but seems fitting to put that after the fact because it was about this time they had realized their mistake.
Now as we all know Jennifer Middleton Taylor and Crystal Merritt are big believers in positive thinking.  They were quick to point out this is an opportunity for us all to show our stuff.  Sirs Taylor Young and Richard Dean Johnson also inspired sprung into action with extra chutes and plunged after the seemingly doomed daredevils.
Famous Actor and Sky Captain to the Rich and Famous Bart Noggle was flying at a slightly lower altitude and saw the four skydivers and knew something must be wrong, so he fired up his afterburners to get in for a closer look.  He knew that if he was chartering the flight he would have made sure they had parachutes AND jet packs.  He put his plane on auto pilot and radioed Don Selasco to guide the plane in as he jettisoned himself out with the jet pack in pursuit of the skydivers.
Alida Jones watched and prayed from her window as Aaron Collins recommended they all do the same.  Tonja Maben secured the door to restore cabin pressure and then scolded those who did not put their oxygen masks on first before helping the children. Harold Y Valerie Huertas looked unimpressed knowing the day would be saved.
Bart grabbed one daredevil in each hand and the other two pulled their chutes and they safely landed in what appeared to be a Renaissance Faire judging by the dull swords and spandex.
Ryan Shreve ran up and bowed.  “All Hail the new King!” Coy Sevier and Jeff Baldwin swiftly appeared on the scene with lights and sirens.   “Stop in name of the law!” ordered Katie Casey.  The five raised their hands above their heads.
Are we being detained?” Asked David
You are under arrest for possession of an anachronistic jet pack and parachutes!” Commanded Coy.
Anything you say will be improvised against you in the name of entertainment.” said Jeff.
And charge them with breaking the fourth wall without creative license!”  added John Victor Allen.
I have a creative license for working in Shane-Arts for over 2 decades!” defended Bart.
When was the last time you had it renewed?” asked Peggy Stermer McMurtray.

Bart could not answer fast enough so Silky Hart Michero and Katie-Rose Watson took great pleasure in binding the hands and feet of the five new prisoners, the the five prisoners seemed to enjoy it more than they should.

Take em away!” ordered Jeff and Coy.
Where do we take them?” questioned Lindsay Roche
Away!” Yelled everyone in unison!
Take us to your leader.” pleaded Bart
Let’s take em to the Queen. ” concluded Amy Wood
As they headed out a crowd of women had formed and where cheering and yelling various cliches such as “Off with their heads” by Ann Sheehan and “He’s a witch” by Bettye Zoller.
As they passed through various groves the shouted cliches seemed to come from various B-movies and cult classics.  As they came over the hill they could hear the music of Chris Arterburn and see the country dancers Candeda MichelleChristi Smith AllenCat Preston and Christie Gard all choreographed by the talented Courtney Mulcahy.  Although this was supposed to be Renaissance Period music the prisoners all agreed it looks like the hippies form Hair singing the Age of Aquarius.  “That is what I was going for.” affirmed Courtney.
The beat blended into a fanfare followed up by Kami Kreaps announcing the Dancing Queen Anna Bananovna!
Carrie BreckenridgeCaSandra CosseyAndrea Benningfield RobertsMara Richards Bim and Kristen Elizabeth Rice Jackson each stood behind their respective prisoner and dropped them to their knees in the presence of the Queen.
“Who are you?” She demanded in her sexy Russian accent
“Your devoted servants” charmed Bart.  After all this wasn’t his first rodeo and his charmed worked as she signaled for Gabriel Morgan Vinson to release them so they could dance.  Each of the prisoners took a dance partner and danced into each others eyes until there was not a care in the world.
That was until Burt Rutherford road up with Francis Alindogan in a Jeep with a Rpj Prod sticker on it.
We are here to rescue you!” they said.

Does it look like we need rescuing?” answered both Bart and Anna dancing in the pale moonlight.

For this moment, all seemed right with the world.

Chapter Two – B*Day Boogaloo

24 Jan

Meanwhile across town, on the wrong side of the other tracks, the mischievous Jenny Slocum was explaining to her honorable henchmen Manny Mendoza, Andrew Milbourn and William Brown how one way, or another, she was gonna find her and “Getcha Getcha Getcha Getcha“.

Who is she?” asked Sean Patrick Henry rather sincerely.
…or rather her?” corrected the marvelous Marmendy Welker Thompson

Jenny explained that the one she was referring to was the granter of Birthday wishes and that her name must be kept secret to build suspense for the story and also if you say her name three times she will manifest in the mirror of a bathroom when you turn out the lights.

What are we even talking about?” exploded Ethan A Sheffield
Yea.  So what!?” heckled Angela Cushing
I don’t want to be in a dark bathroom!” popped Sarah Baranauskas

Jenny calmed and soothed everyone’s suspicions as she elaborated on how they were all very instrumental characters in the story.  Of course Amy Barrick and PJ Palmer wanted more details complete with charts and graphs and Michael MrHumanity Guinn knew he could explain it all better with rhythm and flow.

“What do we call her as so she doesn’t manifest?  Is it like ‘he who shall not be named’ or the Scottish King’“? asked thespian Julie Collmer Campbell

She shall be referred to only as #ourpro proclaimed Jenny.

After a skeptical and awkward pause, the fashion prince Dan Pritchett told the tale of how he once set his armada of fashionistas on a quest to find her but to no avail.  Ineka Guerra believes she is a story.  “The stuff of legend” reaffirmed Jamie Scharfschwerdt Nugent.

I am the stuff of legend” cried Jenny!  “I taught her everything she knows!”  And now she just goes around using the power of the universe to grant everybody’s wishes.  “What does the think she is?

A Leprechaun?” asked Anna Loya.
I think she means Genie“offered Deborah Marshall
Rainbows, bottles, pots of gold, it’s all the same thing“concluded Mike Hathaway.
My favorite film fantasies?” Sonny Boucher
A product of our endangered environment.” suggested Maria Consuelo
Angel Unger pointed out that is the stuff for another blog.

NO!  The stuff of dreams. Just like us.  If she is not stopped she can put our whole world in danger.  Who’s going to bring me her head? ” Jenny asked but her enthusiasm was not shared by anyone else.  Then in an effort to reconnect with her audience she said “I also want a taco.

YES!  That is a cause I am into” sassed Andres Ortiz.
Me too!” said  Shakey Amy Behar.  “Right after Dystonia Awareness“.
I LOOOVE TACOS!!!” sung Michelle Hames

Mark Hanson offered to drive but he could only take one person on his motorcycle, and he knew he wanted that person to be the charming and beautiful Chelsie Birks but Scott Prewitt had other plans jumping on the bike just before Chelsie could get her leg over.

No Fair” she complained!  “I am the fairest of them all” Scott retorted.
You are both silly” observed Antonia Hubert.  “We can all go in Captain Nick C Kirk‘s Starship
Or!  Or you can just let me cook for all of you.  I make great tacos” offered Linda P Nguyen
Dan Carro passed out some #TEAMTACO SWAG and Shaunda Terrell trained everyone to be #Lone Star Spartans while  Michelle Harvey put together an incredible design.  

So as they all agreed to stay and eat Linda’s tacos and form a strategic plan to find #ourpro.  All aside from Stephanie Patterson who thought the Dallas Stars would be there and would rather hang with her cat than pursue this mysterious wish granter. Kenneth Noisewater also declined because it was his Birthday not realizing the future of all Birthday wishes stood in the balance.  Sara Dawn Wilkins certainly got it and so they put the plan in motion.


As the full moon hit the sky like a big pizza pie, that’s… more of a cue than anything else.  A cue for Peggy Kruger-O’Brien to call “PLACES!” Jennifer Fortson, Noelle Mason and Kateri Cale and Angela Wilson to hit their marks while Lynne DeeAnge la Roc and Kaylee Murray found their light. Bill Rhoten yelled “ACTION!”  Brandi Nicole to set her watch and started her epic run while Gregg Csikos and his crew to set sail leading the masses of mermaids led by Shanna Rozelle Baynton.  The over-elaborate plan was set in motion.

The soundtrack of the delightful Delores Elder-Jones played as Kelly Cochran Davis
and Shay Hall made sure the next phases were taking place.  Gini Mascorro made a calendar of all the phases and Brenda Ann Saball made a checklist to be sure nobody dropped any balls. Bob Erwin and his opposite from a parallel universe Erwin Bob had them do simple tasks.  Isabella Russell-Ides began writing the epic tale with Nick Gibbons who punched up the comedy and Jody Pham-Gurke agreed to do the illustrations.

Robert BellamyChris Yacoub and Charlotte Crumm cleaned up any left over Tacos.
What will they call this epic plan?” asked Mike Landry.
The B*Day Boogaloo!” answered Sharla Cockrell quickly.
And Jenny nodded for it was written and it was good.

2016! I AM IN YOU!

9 Jan

What a difference a year makes!  I’ve been looking forward to this post for quite some time as 2015 proved to be both the most challenging and the most rewarding.  I do my best to live every day and every moment exceeding my personal best. This post is more about benchmarks and milestones than hoping to keep cliche promises to myself.  Moreover I put this out there online with the intention to share, inspire and connect as we all continue our human adventure.  Looking forward to meeting the challenges of leveling up in 2016!


While proud of my 2014 Spartan Trifecta I am even more proud of my lifestyle change exceeding the Triple Trifecta in 2015 including destination racing and confidence in knowing I will achieve my 2016 goals. The Hawaii Trifecta experience was such an awakening! I look forward to expanding my Spartan Travels in 2016 and going for the ULTRA Beast and the Spartan Triple Trifecta Delta!  (https://youtu.be/9yEf_HG9520)!



2015 claimed many of my companions and dealing with death and loss forced me to deal with aspects of myself I viewed as weakness but were needed as strengths (sensitivity, humility, humbleness, feelings).  I lost my father, thankfully not my mother that survived the Tornado, both my cats and too many friends and loved ones.  Life is too short to have many walls, but it is good to have boundaries.  I have a feeling 2016 will provide many opportunities where I will have to know the difference.

Continuing to BOLDLY GO

If I may be so “Bold” ever since I learned the word “mission” I knew mine was to “boldly go where no one has gone before”.  Once again I underestimated my professional goals.  In a lesson on goal setting I made what I thought was a stretch goal for myself.  (A V-12 Aston Martin DB9).  Just when I thought I was living the dream with my TR6 I thought I would show how setting a goal, developing a plan and following through can lead to success, but it turned out to happen even faster than I optimistically projected.  My goal was to build my dream team and while I am aligned with some incredible talent and a crew that would make any Captain of the Starship Enterprise proud, but there is still a great deal of room for improvement and new roles to fill.  There are also many new projects which will be launched under the Shane-Arts or Bold banners.  
In 2016 I plan to surround myself with the right people to keep me exceeding my personal best in addition to me helping them exceed theirs. May all the roles be cast, the dream team assembled but in 2016 I hope to always keep a chair open for that new rising star.   

(www.shane-arts.com  and   www.boldstaffing.com)

Keep On Saving The Day!


The lifestyle change of eating better and being better to the environment has continued to the point where I had almost no trash and while I was proud putting out four times the recycling to a single bag of trash, by eating clean, healthy and sustainable the even the recycling declined taking reducing my footprint to a new level.  This also brought about a healthy diet and reignited my passion for cooking.  Many seem to think healthy clean eating is boring and taste bad but I actually found the opposite to be true.  There have been many times in 2015 that people that justify certain toxins for themselves have been impressed with my healthy alternatives, even though I do my best to focus on the flavor and experience rather than the healthy substitutions.  I do not believe I am missing a thing but I am able to keep optimizing my performance while still enjoying all the goods.  In 2016 I plan to do more sharing of delicious food and drink through healthy (or healthier alternatives).    

As always, there are a few other experience, knowledge and financial goals I do not wish to put out there on the internet, but they are out there in the universe and I look forward to celebrating their success in 2017.


Seeking A Crew To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before Into the New Frontier

4 Oct

Boldly Going To A New Frontier
Remember when we thought “Space” was the “Final” Frontier? 

It was a simpler time when televisions where “wood-colored” and phone’s literally had dials you had to stick your finger into and spin around.  When we wanted information or to learn about something we went to libraries.  The average attention span of a person could handle epic stories and philosophical challenges.  How amazing life is today when you can speak your desires into reality with the help of the latest technology.   Everyone can have a stage, a microphone and a spotlight.  Are you brave enough to join me in pioneering the new frontier(s)?  Are you ready for what is next?

If you are, then I am looking for a crew to join me and a few extremely talented visionaries as we “Boldly Go” to these new frontiers of digital dimensions, augmented realities and beyond.  Do you want to be a part of this current venture?  Do you have what it takes?

  • Have you always felt you had a calling to be part of something better or greater?
  • Are you looking for a culture that values your experience and talents and nurtures your continual growth?
  • Do you want to be acknowledged and rewarded for your contributions and successes faster?
  • Do you thrive on challenge and take pride in personal accountability?
  • Do others consider you a person of integrity and strong moral character?

If you answered “YES” then lets talk as soon as possible.

This is not an open ended opportunity.  The ship is scheduled depart and I need the crew immediately.  I am looking for a few brave people that will take the chance before success assured.  The fewer of us the greater the share of honor, fortune and glory in the event of success.  You can be anywhere with internet access and the spirit to succeed and push the envelope.  It won’t be easy and it won’t be routine but I will tell you what it will be; The opportunity of a lifetime!

Private Message me or E-mail me at tim@boldstaffing.com with your contact info, resume or declaration of interest!idontliketoloseTim is Bold

Tim’s Triumph!

29 Jun Tim Loves His Triumph TR6

They say you never forget your first love or your first car.  If your first car was a Triumph TR-6 it is easy to understand they are one in the same.  At an early age my father introduced me to the concept of having irrational opinions and passions about cars.  So naturally he was determined I would get an Red Blooded American Car such as a Trans-Am or El Camino (just as long as it was not a Ford).  Naturally being a young teen I pointed my passion in another direction and my intentions were seduced by the British (Rovers, Jags and most importantly Triumph). The sweet nostalgia as I write this of remembering delivering newspapers to save for a car while checking the classifieds to find the TR-6.  There was a nice white TR-6 around the lake I would see and lust over.  While some friends had Spitfires and TR-7’s and TR-8’s, the 6 was always my love at first sight.

The New Triumph TR6Triumph TR6!CDJ5Ewg!mk~$(KGrHqF,!lEEz+2,LZ6IBNNk7+C0Cg~~_3

Finally, I found my first TR-6 (Pictured below) and my father swore that if I purchased that I was on my own when it would to working on it.  I welcomed the challenge because I never looked at the size of metric wrenches anyway, like most men whether they admit it or not I just would tinker until I found what worked.  In retrospect it was probably one of the best things to have happened to me because I learned so much about cars and worked on rebuilding it from the ground up.  It also helped me learn to troubleshoot and improvise solutions in the days before mobile phones, you tube tutorials or even readily accessible parts.  This was a skill set that served me well into my adulthood and other professions.  It was among the favorite parts of my youth.  After a few years it threw a rod on I-30 over Lake Ray Hubbard.  Determined to rebuild the engine and get her back on the road I was also studying to go into the performing arts.  I had to give her up with the condition that I would get another one someday.


An appropriate amount of decades later I had a significant birthday and a car collector out of Plano must have known men at that birthday have the means for a quick sale and a desire to recapture that youth.  It was also a Blue TR-6 but of the early years.  Getting behind the wheel was quite literally and figuratively a time machine.  The unique symphony of the senses of sound, smell and of course the classy visuals reminded me it was time to fulfill that promise I made in my youth.  However my credit union was closed and by the time I got back to him during the week the car had already sold.  1000196_10200452941307347_180872773_n1005452_10200452935547203_124823924_n

I could not be disappointed because part of the Triumph experience for me is working on them and so I knew I was looking for an Early Triumph T-6 that I could actually rebuild and invest in it to make it exactly what I wanted.  With modern innovations I could do things I only dreamed of with my first TR-6.  There were kits that introduced modern technology and reliability with classic style.  If it were already impeccably restored it would be a shame to tamper with that.

In the fall of 2013 I found my current TR-6 near White Rock Lake being sold on behalf of its owner for nearly 25 years by a Dallas Realtor named Ben.  Another “Car Friend” named Bill Mott strongly encouraged me to make the investment.  She looked rough as she had seen much more action than many that spent most of their times on display or trailer-ed to shows instead of on the road.  Everything that needed attention with her were all things I was experienced or had resources to fix.  One of the big selling points is that she drove and had seen a good portion of the United States.  Here are her pics from when I got her in 2013.

20130830_19391300H0H_cDlVSSDwXab_600x450 (1)

Again referencing British Culture, she immediately made me think of Doctor Who’s beat up old blue box known as the TARDIS.  Many friends that saw her also jumped to the same conclusion.  It was further refined to “Sexy” (As Whovians know that is what the TARDIS thinks is her name) and it is a play on “Sixy” as in TR-Sixy.


I spent the winter of 2013 refinishing her wood and customizing her interior and having a very nice custom paint job done by Victor Figueroa.  Although not one of the original colors I chose the color based on my favorite blue TR-6’s and the color of James Bond’s Aston Martin  (Another passion of mine of British Culture and many people don’t realize James Bond also drove a Triumph as seen below in a STAG).  When Victor presented me with the options the color code was the same as my Birthday and then it was like it was fate.   

trrestoreprimer2She made her debut to the All British Car Day 2014 at White Rock Lake as a work in progress and I was excited to meet some of the Red River Triumph Club and am proud to now be an official member returning in 2015.


As a 72 (and a half) she falls more on the early 69-72 side which are known to have leaky transmissions.  She had her original transmission that needed some love.  I invested in a freshly rebuilt, tested and warrantied Toyota Supra 5 Speed using the HVDA kit. (www.hvdaconversions.com). There are other kits out there but Herman came highly recommended and was always available for questions both before, during and after the upgrade and the shipping and instructions were very helpful and informative.  There is a local shop Trans Pro in Garland Texas that knows exactly how to do it. (Ask for Stuart and tell him I sent ya).


Combined with new Pirelli P4 Tires it feels like a smooth performance machine that Triumph probably would have opted for if they had the technology.  I was a fan of the red line tires but was advised if my goal was to have an ultimate driving machine instead of a display trophy, Pirelli was the way to go.  The narrow red lines did not handle well in corners or elements and look classy with the wire wheels, but I have the original drum wheels, which look like a front loading washing machine, at least according to TOP GEAR:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FageCtKA0g)

Triumph TR6 Ad

The Lucas Lamp of Darkness has been upgraded to modern LED including some pale blue halo running lights for a unique look with her classic features.  I have added a custom smaller steering wheel and some chrome accents.  Just prior to the 2015 ABCDE event I went back to Ray’s Trim (who professionally installed the New and Treated Sunfast Tan Cloth Top) to do the high end black leather seats complete with dual level seat heaters from Moss.  She is also equipped with the retro bluetooth stereo and the updated center counsel with dual utility jacks to charge modern tech.

Tim Shanes Triumph TR6Tim Shanes TR6

Tims Triumph TR6 Cooper Show RRTC Tim Loves His Triumph TR6 1907483_10207243455144503_5150573382868653522_n

My plans are to rebuild the entire engine and add a supercharger if Moss ever makes them available again.  They are available for early TR-6’s prior to the 72 and a half.  Once complete I plan to tour doing the Moss Motoring Challenge in 2016.  I am hoping to do much more as an official active member of the Red River Triumph Club in 2015.

Can You Trust The Opposite Sex?

21 Mar

While working to improve some trust issues in my personal relationships with the opposite sex, the Huffington Post released an article “Men Just Don’t Trust Women” and added “It’s a Huge Problem“. Personally I found the article played it safe and danced around the issue utilizing one of my favorite tactics; humor.  It also did not address anything substantial aside from he has a built in EF (Exaggeration Factor).  I will say it and many people have confided in me that they find the opposite sex “Emotionally Manipulative”.  The more I get to know someone the more I understand their “EF” and I don’t care if they ‘re a man, woman, age, religion or sexual preference.  Since it seems I am not the only one struggling with trust issues with the opposite sex, lets go deeper.  Some make promises they have no intention of keeping, pretend to misunderstand when it suits them and use your own emotions against you.  This is not every woman, or every man, but they sure mess it up for the rest of us.


It’s Not Women… Necessarily

Perhaps a headline of “Women Just Don’t Trust Men” wouldn’t get attention. Everybody knows that. (Wanna save on car insurance?) Most would respond “Duh” and move on to more important topics such as videos of kittens or funny memes and lets face it, Huffington Post wants people to read their content as I want you to read mine. I say we quickly learn whether or not we can trust the “opposite sex” and level the playing field.  Men OR Woman, the “Huge Problem” is people trusting people we shouldn’t and not trusting people we should.  Lets get back to the basics and allow me to shout out to my parents for instilling in me that trust is earned, not given.  (Also true with respect)


Trust Me

As a general rule, the more a person says “Trust Me” the less I do.  In contrast I have also observed that I trust people when their actions have demonstrated that they are trustworthy.  Depending on your environment and the circumstances sometimes people consider it more fun to behave in a untrustworthy manner, and some may rank being “fun” higher than being “trustworthy” or “honorable”.  Perhaps they have never seen the reward of trusting someone or perhaps they are so jaded at being continually disappointed that they no longer believe anyone is trustworthy including themselves.  Personally, I strive to be impeccable with my word even down to the details but I try to never say “Trust Me” unless I am paying homage to a Harrison Ford character.  Sometimes I am in a situation that requires the person to trust me when they don’t have the time and history to see how trustworthy I am and I am asking them to take a leap of faith.  Of course intimate romantic situations have more at stake than your average acquaintance, sale or service, so it tends to impact us more.  Therefore do we trust the opposite sex less, or is it simply we have higher criteria because there is more at stake?  I am going with there is more at stake.


Trust No One

Earning someone’s trust is a great responsibility and in a world of instant gratification it has become much easier to simply trust no one.  This may also explain why people can feel isolated and lonely in relationships.  Emotional Intelligence and growth is limited when you do not trust, so if you want to grow and be the best person you can be, you have to learn who to trust and who not to.  There are people I do trust and the reward is worth it.  Having that one person you can count on is better than hundreds you “think” you can count on.  The tricky part is we don’t get the clear validation for choosing wisely as quickly as you do when you’ve chosen poorly.  Sometimes it becomes clear from all the people that are not worthy of your trust.  Pay attention to who is trustworthy as much as who is not, but don’t put up so many walls that you suffocate yourself.


Action Plan

Be the change you want to see in the world.  If you want people to behave more trustworthy no matter what their sexual orientation or culture, then be the person they can trust.  Treat them how you want to be treated; Trust them how you want to be trusted. Start small because from experience if you go “all in” and your partner does not then you just get jaded and resentful.  Start with details such as time, small tasks and discrete disclosures before moving to major commitments, promises or secrets. Do they do what they say they are going to?  Are they accurate and accountable in the expectations they present to you? Do they honor your privacy? Do they respect you? If so then proceed to the next level of risk reward ratio and repeat as appropriate.  I have some very trusted friends that I can trust with some things but not others and I accept them fully for who they are.  Where do you fit?  What have you learned?  I would love to hear in the comments.